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Then we can discuss tailored solutions that will save your business time and make your business more revenue. Or answer any questions you may have about us and our services. 

Contact details

+44 (0) 7587 870 817

Opening Times Monday to Friday, 9 AM – 6 PM GMT

Address RAAI Consultancy, 5a Mortimer Street, London, England, W1W 7GB

Email hello@raaiconsultancy.com

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Most frequent questions and answers

At RA AI Consultancy, we take the security of our clients’ data and files very seriously. Here’s how we ensure security:

– Encryption – All data in transit and at rest is encrypted using industry standard methods like SSL and AES-256. This protects the confidentiality of information.

– Access Controls – We implement role-based access control and multi-factor authentication to restrict access to only authorized personnel. This prevents unauthorized access.

– Network Security – Our network is shielded by firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and endpoint threat detection to block malicious attacks.

– Vulnerability Testing – Applications and infrastructure are regularly scanned and penetration tested to identify and patch any security flaws.

– Compliance – We comply with data protection, privacy and industry regulations related to security.

– Audits – Independent external audits of our security posture are conducted annually.

– Backups – Regular automated backups ensure no data loss in case of incidents.

– Policies – Information security policies for data handling, access controls, and employee practices are maintained.

Rest assured, we take every precaution to keep your data and files secure. Please let us know if you have any other questions!

At RA AI Consultancy, we maintain strict confidentiality of our clients’ data within our systems and do not share it with any external parties, except for our contracted development partners.

We work with trusted external developers and engineers who may access the data under non-disclosure agreements solely for the purpose of developing, testing and improving our AI systems per our contractual engagements with them.

Other than these tightly controlled external technical partners, your data remains completely confidential within our secured systems and is never shared with any other external individual or company for any purpose without your explicit consent. We do not sell, rent or trade data with third parties.

Our policies prohibit any unauthorised access or disclosure of client information by our employees or partners. We are fully committed to keeping your data safe and using it only for intended purposes within our AI systems to serve you better. You can trust us to maintain confidentiality while getting the most value from our AI. Please let us know if you have any other questions!

At RA AI Consultancy, we provide robust technical support to ensure our AI solutions work smoothly for our clients:

  • 24/7 Monitoring – Our technical team proactively monitors all systems round the clock to detect and fix any potential issues before they impact clients.
  • On-call Support – Clients can reach our support staff 24/7 via phone, email or chat. We guarantee a response within 1 hour for any urgent issues.
  • Troubleshooting – We thoroughly troubleshoot any errors or glitches to identify root causes and implement fixes.
  • Maintenance – Regular system maintenance, updates and patching are done to prevent breakdowns.
  • Incident Response – In unlikely cases of incidents, our IR team works swiftly to restore services and remedy damage.
  • Reporting – We keep clients updated on issue status through regular reports and advise preventative actions.

We pride ourselves in providing enterprise-grade technical support so clients can have full confidence in our AI solutions. Please reach out to us anytime.

Yes, at RA AI Consultancy we provide a wide range of resources to help users become proficient with our AI technology:

  • Getting Started Guides – Step-by-step guides covering the basics of using our AI systems with screenshots and examples.
  • Video Tutorials – We have a library of short video tutorials demonstrating AI system functionality and workflows.
  • Live Workshops – Our experts periodically conduct interactive workshops to train users hands-on and answer questions.
  • Quick Reference Cards – These printable reference cards highlight common usage tips and tricks for easy recall.
  • FAQs – Our exhaustive FAQ section answers most questions users have about our AI.
  • Email/Chat Support – Users can email or chat with our support team to get personal assistance.

We want to ensure users can easily harness our AI, regardless of technical skill. Our commitment is to make the technology accessible through comprehensive resources and support.

Yes, our AI solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing software and tools. We understand that you have made investments in your tech stack and workflows, and our integration capabilities allow you to enhance these systems with AI.

Here are some of the ways we can integrate our AI:

  • API Integration – We provide APIs and SDKs to connect our AI at the code level with your in-house systems.
  • Plugin Modules – For popular software like CRM and ERPs, we offer plug-and-play addon modules for easy integration.
  • Data Integration – We can ingest and combine data from your databases, data warehouses, cloud storage etc.
  • Workflow Integration – Our AI can be embedded into your front and back-office workflows through various integration patterns.
  • UI Integration – We can embed our AI interface into your existing dashboards, sites and apps via widgets, iframes etc.

Our team of integration experts will collaborate with you to determine optimal integration points to deliver a seamless experience. We want our AI to feel like a natural extension of the tools you already love!

You do not need any specific technical expertise to use our AI platform effectively. Our solutions are designed for simplicity and ease of use even for non-technical teams and employees. Here are some ways we make the platform accessible:

  • Intuitive UI – Our user interface is visually clean and intuitive with thoughtful interactions that make usage straightforward.
  • Guided Workflows – We provide step-by-step wizards that guide you through key workflows for easy completion.
  • Built-in Training – The platform has contextual onboarding, in-app tips and interactive tutorials built-in for self-service training.
  • Simple Integrations – Our seamless integrations with common software require no-code configuration for quick setup.
  • Robust Documentation – We provide extensive guides, help docs and video tutorials tailored for non-technical users.
  • Expert Support – Our customer success team is available 24/7 to help you with any questions or issues.

While our platform leverages complex AI behind the scenes, the front-end user experience is designed carefully so you can be productive regardless of technical skill level.

Yes, our AI solutions enable you to easily customize the system’s responses and conversational style to fit your company’s brand voice. Here are some of the customization options available:

  • Language & Tone – You can provide sample texts for the AI to learn your brand’s language, tone (professional, casual, humorous etc.) and terminology.
  • Response Templates – Create libraries of response templates that the AI can utilize to ensure consistency with your style.
  • Contexts – Define different conversational contexts like sales, support etc. and tune responses for each.
  • Personas – Customize responses tailored to different customer personas (age-groups, segments etc.)
  • Interactions – Adjust response types like follow-up questions, clarifications, escalations etc. based on your preferences.
  • Channels – Optimize language variation for different channels – chat, email, phone, social media etc.
  • Approval Workflows – Our UI enables your team to review and tweak AI responses quickly before public release.

With complete control over the conversational experience, you can shape the AI to authentically represent your brand. Just provide us samples of your desired style and our machine learning will handle the rest!

We understand that AI technology may be new for many of our clients. Rest assured, our platform is designed for quick learning and intuitive usage even if you are starting your AI journey:

  • Interactive Demo – Schedule a guided demo with our team to experience the platform firsthand and ask questions.
  • Intuitive UI – Our user interface is visually clean and interaction flows are logical for fast ramp up.
  • Short Video Tutorials – These bite-sized videos help you master your key use cases rapidly.
  • Proactive Support – Our success managers provide 1:1 assistance tailored to your use cases and needs.
  • Feedback Capture – Share your feedback on learning experience for us to continuously improve.

With the right combination of educational resources, intuitive design and expert guidance, our clients are able to become power users of our AI platform quickly.

At RA AI Consultancy, we believe in complete pricing transparency with no hidden costs. Here is how we ensure there are no surprises:

  • Clear Pricing – Our pricing page and proposals provide upfront cost details of solutions, subscription plans, usage tiers etc.
  • No Hidden Fees – There are no hidden charges buried in fine print. All applicable costs are highlighted.
  • Cost Forecasting – We help forecast total expected costs based on your use cases and scale.
  • Prompt Invoicing – Invoices are generated promptly with line items matching quoted costs.
  • Volume Discounts – Higher usage tiers come with transparent discounted pricing.
  • Custom Bundles – We are open to exploring customised solution bundles tailored to your needs.

Our goal is to build long-term trust through transparency. You will always know precisely what you pay for at RA AI. Please feel free to inquire about pricing anytime.

At RA AI Consultancy, transparent pricing is one of our core principles. We want to assure you there are absolutely no hidden costs you should be wary of. Here is how we maintain full pricing transparency:

  • Clear Published Price Lists – All our pricing plans, tiers and fee structures are published plainly on our website.
  • Detailed Quotes – Every quote and proposal contains a comprehensive breakdown of all costs and charges.
  • Line-item Invoices – Our invoices provide line-by-line details matching quoted pricing so there are no surprises.
  • Volume Pricing Disclosed – Any volume discounts applicable are stated upfront in pricing lists.
  • No Surcharges or Fees – There are no additional sneaky surcharges, setup fees or recurring costs buried in fine print.
  • Forecasted Cost Analysis – We help analyse your use cases to provide estimated costs and advice optimised plans.
  • Flexible Contracts – No rigid contracts enforcing long-term commitments. 

You can trust our pricing is wholly transparent. Please feel free to inquire about pricing specifics anytime.

We understand the importance of flexibility, so we do not impose any minimum commitment periods for our solutions. Here are some of the ways we provide flexible options:

  • Month-to-Month Contracts – You have the freedom to use our solutions on a month-to-month basis that can be cancelled anytime.
  • Pay-as-you-Go Pricing – For certain solutions, you only pay for actual usage with no fixed fees or minimums.
  • Customizable Billing Cycles – We can set up billing cycles customized to your needs – monthly, quarterly, annually etc.
  • Trial Periods – Free trials allow you to evaluate solutions before making any purchase commitment.
  • No Termination Fees – There are no termination or early cancellation penalties if you choose to stop using our solutions.
  • Easy Pause/Resume – You can conveniently pause subscriptions temporarily and resume at any point.
  • Short-Term Projects – We offer flexible short-term contracting for temporary projects requiring AI.
  • Scalable Usage – Scale usage up or down each billing cycle based on your needs.

We aim to be adaptable to your business needs. Let us know how we can structure solutions to best suit your requirements.