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Is your social media taking too much time?
Let Smart Social
handle it.

Imagine an AI assistant who:

Sounds pretty sweet, right?

We think so too, take a look…

Person with head full of social media
Person with head full of social media
Our Solution

Introducing Smart Social: For effortless social media management

Say goodbye to endless social media scrolling! Smart Social is your AI sidekick, designed to streamline your social media presence and boost customer engagement.

Book a demo

Let Smart Social show you how it can transform your social media management.

We’ll take you through the platform and show you how it can streamline your social media workflow and boost your business results.

Sign up today for a free, personalised demo!

Your Questions Answered

Smart Social is an AI-powered tool that helps you manage all your social media platforms in one place. It frees up your time by automating tasks like responding to messages, qualifying leads, and scheduling appointments.

Smart Social is a powerful tool, but it won’t replace the strategic thinking and creativity of a social media manager. Instead, it can take care of the repetitive tasks, allowing your team to focus on developing compelling content and building relationships with your audience.

Yes, Smart Social integrates with popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), and WhatsApp Business.

No, Smart Social uses natural language processing to create natural-sounding conversations. You can also customise the tone and personality of your AI assistant to match your brand voice.

Smart Social can gather information from customer interactions on social media, such as their needs and interests. This information can then be used to prioritise leads for your sales team.

Absolutely! Smart Social allows you to create and run targeted social media campaigns directly through the platform. This makes it easier to reach your ideal customers and promote your products or services.

Yes, we offer a free demo where you can see how Smart Social works and explore its features.

We offer different pricing plans to fit the size and needs of your business. Contact us for a quote.

Yes! Smart Social allows customers to book appointments directly through platforms like Facebook Messenger. This eliminates the need for back-and-forth emails and saves time for both you and your customers.

Yes, Smart Social is designed to comply with data privacy regulations. You have complete control over what information is collected from customer interactions and how it is used.

Absolutely! Smart Social provides analytics that allow you to track key metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, and the performance of your social media campaigns. This data can help you refine your strategy and improve your results.

Feel free to contact our sales team for any further inquiries. We’re happy to discuss your social media needs and see if Smart Social is the right fit for you.