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What We Do

RA AI Consultancy guides SMEs in tailored AI solutions identifying ideal AI technologies for each client's needs.

Our Steps

RA AI’s Four-Step Process for Effective Solution Deployment in SMBs

1. Needs Assessment & Customisation

2. Seamless

3. Full

4. Managed Services & Ongoing Support


Needs Assessment & Customisation

Initial Consultation

In our initial consultation, we meet with key stakeholders to quickly grasp your business goals, challenges, and AI aspirations.

Solution Design

Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, we design a customised AI solution tailored to your business. This involves selecting the right AI tools, algorithms, and technologies that align with your specific requirements.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

To ensure that the AI implementation will provide a good return on investment, we conduct a cost-benefit analysis. This involves calculating the costs associated with implementing the AI tools and comparing them to the projected benefits.

Project Timeline and Milestones

Finally, we develop a detailed project timeline, outlining key milestones and deadlines. This serves as the roadmap for the seamless integration and full deployment of the AI tools in the subsequent steps.


Seamless Integration

Data Migration & Backup

To safeguard your valuable business data, we initiate a secure data migration and backup process. This ensures that all your existing data is safely stored and ready to be utilised by the new AI tools.

User Training

To ensure that your team can make the most out of the new AI tools, we provide comprehensive user training. This includes hands-on sessions, tutorials, and documentation that cover all the features and functionalities.

Testing & Validation

Before finalising the integration, we conduct rigorous testing to validate that all components are working as intended. This includes functional testing, performance testing, and security audits.

Go-Live Support

After setup and testing, we offer go-live support for the AI tool's initial launch, quickly resolving any last-minute issues.


Full Deployment

Configuration and Customisation

We configure the AI tools to fit your business needs, from customising algorithms and interfaces to aligning automated processes with your operations.

User Access and Permissions

We establish user roles and permissions for secure and appropriate access to the AI tools, safeguarding data integrity.


After final tests and tweaks, we launch the fully operational AI tools in your organisation to deliver insights and automate tasks.

Monitoring and Feedback Loop

Once the AI tools are live, we set up monitoring and feedback loops for performance tracking and continuous improvement.

step four

Managed Services & Ongoing Support

24/7 Monitoring

After AI tool deployment, we offer 24/7 monitoring to track performance and system health, with immediate alerts for quick issue resolution.

Performance Optimisation

Besides monitoring, we regularly analyze data for improvements, like fine-tuning algorithms or speeding up processes. Our team schedules updates and maintenance to enhance AI performance without business disruption.

Ongoing Support

We offer continuous support via email, phone, and live chat for troubleshooting and feature exploration. Our team also keeps yours updated with training and documentation.

Aftercare Support

Our managed services and aftercare ensure that clients’ AI systems continue delivering maximum value while also having access to expertise and support.

Ongoing Model Monitoring

We monitor client AI models to detect data drift and performance issues, ensuring ongoing accuracy and value.

Support Services

Our AI experts are on standby to help clients with technical issues, questions, and support, offering peace of mind.

Continuous Enhancements

We collaborate with clients to enhance AI systems over time with updates and optimisations, boosting ROI.

Who We Are

"We are on a mission to dispel the common AI myths"

We’re RA AI, a passionate team here to make AI approachable & beneficial for businesses. Forget robots taking over, AI can save you time & boost profits!

Our Team

Meet Our Team: Expert, Approachable, and Committed to Making AI Work for You

Ray Ansel

Founder & Managing Director
"I'm the Founder and Managing Director of RA AI Consultancy with 15+ years of experience in emerging tech. My passion is making AI accessible and beneficial for businesses of all sizes. I also advocate for ending digital exclusion in developing nations, believing that AI should benefit everyone."

Gabriel Carvalho

Head of AI Development and Solution Design
"As the Head of AI Development and Solutions Design, I specialise in crafting customised AI and automated solutions for businesses like yours. With a deep passion for all things artificial and intelligent, I thoroughly enjoy exploring both the theoretical and practical aspects of AI."

Victor Ganev

AI Engineering and Marketing Specialist
"As an AI Engineering and Marketing Specialist I combine technical expertise with strategic marketing acumen to drive innovative solutions for RA AI. My focus is on leveraging AI to enhance product development and execute dynamic marketing strategies that propel business growth and customer engagement."

Committed to Ethical AI Practices

RA AI’s Four Commitments to Ethical AI Practices for Small Businesses

Unwavering Dedication to Ethical AI

We commit to only using AI technologies that adhere to ethical standards. Our focus is on solutions that are fair, unbiased, and designed to benefit everyone involved.

Transparency in AI Deployment

We believe in open communication. From the initial consultation to the final implementation, we'll keep you in the loop, ensuring you understand how AI is being used in your business.

Privacy as a Priority

Your data is your asset, and we treat it as such. We implement AI solutions that prioritize data security, ensuring that your information is protected at all times.

Responsible AI for Benefit

We aim for AI deployments that not only meet your immediate business needs but also consider long-term societal impact. Our focus is on responsible AI that brings the most benefit to you and your community.